Wall Works 2019 - Lamar Dodd, UGA

In my largest installation to date, 80 works will be on display at the Lamar Dodd School of Art!

Lamar Dodd School of Art, Plaza Gallery

University of Georgia, Athens

August 14 - November 16, 2019

Wall Works: Harrison D. Walker

📷Alec Kaus

📷Alec Kaus


Wall Works is a program at the Dodd Galleries where we invite an artist to create a semester long, site-specific wall installation in the Plaza Gallery. Harrison D. Walker’s Portals is a multi-component project exploring color, chemistry and psychological perception. Each Portal is made with the principle of the photogram, utilizing light and pressure, to create endless variations. Similar to a Rorschach Test, each print is a variation of a repeated circular form, which explores how the viewer perceives variations in texture, surface, color, image, and time.

Each sheet of paper is coated with an emulsion or mixture of varying composition, printed using photogram, monoprint and collograph techniques, drawn on, and/or physically altered to achieve each unique print. Using light sensitive Silver Nitrate as a catalyst, many of the prints on display are designed to continue changing over time, revealing subtle shifts in color and tone. This extended exposure allows each print to respond to the environment’s light, temperature, and humidity, resulting in a unique long-term visual experience.

📷Alec Kaus

📷Alec Kaus